In Bihar, Eastern and Central Uttar Pradesh, sugarcane crop on considerably large area is grown under waterlogged conditions occurring due to heavy monsoon rains and lack of proper drainage. These conditions vary considerably from area to area; in certain areas water stagnating for about three months continuously from July to October, in some areas for a month or so while in other areas water recedes after ten days or so. Depending upon the intensity, these waterlogged conditions adversely affect both cane yield and sugar recovery. In order to obtain satisfactory cane yield and sugar recovery in such areas, the selection of a suitable variety, which can make rapid growth and withstand such conditions is absolutely essential. For badly water logged areas, B.O. 91, a mid-late variety still continues to be the best variety and gives reasonably good sugar recovery in the later part of the crushing season from January onwards. The other varieties, which can withstand such conditions, are Co.Se 95422 and Co.S. 88230.
Ridge planting of sugarcane on top of 45 cm ridges can prove useful in such areas. In these areas, crop should be planted as early as possible so that it can make reasonably good growth by the time water logging takes place. All agronomic practices of effective weed control, fertilizer application, irrigation and foliar application of urea and Endosulfan should be completed by the middle of June positively, both in the plant and ratoon crop as it is not possible to do any farm operation in the water logged fields. Foliar application of urea can however, be done in such fields to meet the nitrogen requirements of the crop. Autumn planting of sugarcane, if possible, in these areas can help in obtaining better cane yield and sugar recovery.