






At present, the farmers use fertilizer in sugarcane on the basis of experiments conducted at the farms of the Research stations/ Institutes. However, it is a well-known fact that soil fertility varies from region to region, area to area or even field to field. In view of this, it is desirable that the farmers should make fertilizer use on soil test basis of each field. While the Indian farming has shown significant progress in fertilizer use, the farmers are still not very conversant and convinced with the soil test as basis of fertilizer use. In the field, the fertilizer schedule adopted by the farmers sometimes is quite at variance with fertilizer recommendations made by research stations/ institutes.


With extensive use of inorganic fertilizers particularly excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers like urea, an imbalance is getting created in the use of N, P and K, the three major nutrients resulting in adverse effect on quality of sugarcane crop and the crop becoming susceptible to insect pests and diseases like cane borers and red rot. The increase in the incidence of the stalk borer in high nitrogen [urea] fertilized crop is a specific example of increase of this insect pest. The deficiency of micronutrients like iron, manganese and zinc has also been observed particularly in the ratoon crop, which needs the attention of the cane growers.


The fertilizer use efficiency of N, P, and K is also low in sugarcane, particularly that of nitrogen. In view of this, there is an urgent need of attention of the farmers to optimize rate, time and method of application of fertilizers. Placement of fertilizers along the root zone is essential to improve the fertilizer use efficiency and reducing the cost of fertilizers. This is possible if planting is done with the tractor drawn mechanized sugarcane planter and drilling of urea and other fertilizers along the cane rows rather than applying it with broadcast method usually adopted by the farmers for top dressing of urea in May-June. Late application of nitrogenous fertilizers like urea, with the onset of monsoon rains should be totally discontinued as it results in great loss of this costly nutrient through leaching.


In view of the above, the farmers should use fertilizers only on soil test basis of each field. There are enough soil testing facilities available in the laboratories set up by sugar factories, agricultural universities and state Agriculture departments which can render necessary help to the farmers in this respect. The factories can also have mobile testing laboratory for the purpose.



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