Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow Sugarcane Research Station, Shahjahanpur Punjab Agricultural University Sugarcane Research Wing, Ludhiana Vasant Dada Sugar Institute, Pune Bureau of Sugarcane Experiment Stations, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Louisiana State University, United States of America. Sugarcane Experimental Station, Natal, South Africa
The centre should have the following laboratories:
1. Soil Testing Laboratory: In order to develop balanced fertilizer use and integrated nutrient management schedules, the soil testing laboratory should be set up. Soil samples should be collected from sugar factory area and analyzed for N,P,K and micronutrients. On the basis of soil analysis, fertilizer recommendation should be made to the cane growers to obtain higher cane yield and sugar recovery. In due course, detailed soil survey can also be carried out and soil fertility maps prepared.
2. Cane Quality Lab.: In this lab. Studies should be made on cane quality of varieties grown in different zones with a view to improve sugar recovery. The effect of various agronomic practices, insect pests and diseases on cane quality should also be studied.
3. Tissue Culture Lab.: The new technology of tissue culture should be used for micropropagation of new promising, high sugar, disease resistant varieties quickly and increasing lifespan of outstanding varieties under cultivation. About 10 Lakh plantlets should be prepared in this laboratory every year.
4. Bio Control Lab.: A Biological Control laboratory should be established at the centre to rear parasites for the control of insect pests, particularly cane borers which are difficult to control with insecticides. Stalk borer in particular causes heavy damage to the cane crop for which no chemical control measures are yet available. This borer can be controlled effectively through Trichogramma parasite. Major thrust in this laboratory therefore should be on bio-control of this and other borers and also control of pyrilla, a leaf sucking insect.
5. Computerization: Computerization of various agro-techniques should be introduced for more efficient use of inputs like water, fertilizers, insecticides and fungicides.
6. Remote Sensing: The new technology of remote sensing in agriculture should be introduced for accurate assessment of sugarcane area and yield. This technology could be introduced through Agricultural Universities of the states and National Remote Sensing Centres at Hyderabad and Dehradun.