



In order to improve the economics of sugarcane crop in comparison to other cropping systems, there is need for emphasis on multiple ratooning which will further help in improving sugar recovery in the earlier part of the crushing season. At present only one or two rations are taken while there is potential for taking 4-5 ratoons with cultivation of better ratooning varieties, use of moist hot air treated seed, timely and close to the ground harvesting, gap filling with polybag technique, use of organic sources of nutrients and integrated insect pest and disease management. In tropical cane growing areas of the country particularly, multiple ratooning is quite possible due to suitable weather conditions. Intercropping in ratoon crop further improves the economics of this crop. In Florida in U.S.A., taking of four rations and even more is quite common inspite of very low temperature conditions during winter. It is therefore possible to obtain 4-5 ratoon crops in North India also.





For quick evaluation of cane quality by analyzing a large number of cane samples, the use of sucro-mat is necessary. It will help in monitoring the cane quality with much greater efficiency to achieve high sugar recovery.




Computerization of various agro-techniques like irrigation, water and fertilizer use will help in more precise use of these inputs for obtaining higher cane yield.




The new technology of remote sensing should also be introduced to assess more accurately and quickly, the cane yield and area under different varieties.



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