




The Australian Cane production technology particularly relating to introduction of high sugar varieties and mechanization of cane cultivation needs to be tried in India, if found suitable, to improve the efficiency of Indian Sugar Industry. The Sakthi Sugars in Tamil Nadu has entered into an agreement with an Australian Company “Austoft” which is conducting trials, with billet planter and green cane harvester in 150 cm spaced cane rows. The other important cane growing areas in India should also conduct similar trials with the help of this Company. The other foreign cane production technology  which needs to be given a trial is the introduction and evaluation of varieties developed in  United States of America and South Africa having similar climatic conditions as prevalent in North India. The important Australian and Canal Point varieties developed and recommended for cultivation by Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations and Canal Point Research Centre in Florida in United States of America are as follows:


Queensland (Australia)


Q157, Q170, Q196, Q194, Q195, Q198, Q200, Q151, Q141, Q136, Q147, Q199 AND Q201


United States of America


CP 80-1743, CP 72-2086, CP 80-1827,

CP 78-1628, CL 61-620, CP 73-1547,

CP 88-1762, CP 84-1198, CP 70-1133,

CP 88-1508, CL 69-686, CP 89-2143


Varieties developed by United States Department of Agriculture, Sugarcane station at Houma, Louisiana, Louisiana State University and Sugarcane Research Centre at Natal in South Africa also need to be introduced in the country and evaluated.



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